If it’s a Democrat program it is not for your benefit
Democrats have pulled off the greatest propaganda coups of the 20th century. They blame Republicans for the destruction wrought by Democrat policies and, with the help of the leftwing media, paint...
View ArticlePatriotic Democrat is an oxymoron – when criminals rule
Democrat propaganda is leading America to ruin. Democrats will stand by Obama even when his deals with America’s enemies make them stronger and America weaker. This is the opposite of patriotism. So...
View ArticleSmear merchants – the Democrat media’s propaganda campaign
Rule 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. Rule 12: “Pick the...
View ArticleWhy the simple facts of business and science escape liberal minds
Liberals believe profits are greed and the climate change scam because they lack the education to understand the truth. Liberals do not understand profit and climate change for the simple reason that...
View ArticleDemocrats – dupes, delusionals, and deceivers; zombies to propaganda
Democrats blindly follow their leaders who promise them goodies while delivering misery. The Democrat Party is the party of diversity pandering to the lowest common denominator. It consists of blacks,...
View ArticleTwo Americas: Americanism or Socialism, Right vs. Left
From Left to Right, the new Independents are not in the middle but on opposite sides with the Occupy Wall Street crowd wanting to impose socialism, while the TEA Party wants to re-establish the...
View ArticleThe Eternal Doomsdays of the anti-American lunatic Left
Leftists decry anything American and perpetrate constant frauds to dupe the ignorant into believing their incessant rants claiming that America is the cause of the world’s ills. It never changes. The...
Obama rubs Christian’s noses in Supreme Court ruling imposing gay marriage on America just as they did abortion. Culturally, economically, and diplomatically, Americanism is being shorn and debased by...
View ArticleBlack lives, Socialism, Islamism, illegals, green energy – America in decline
Ennobling criminals, collapsing the economy, borrowing from China, stealing from taxpayers, giving wealth to cronies, endorsing the oppression of Christians, taking citizen’s right, and enabling...
View ArticleAnchor babies – making thieves family
So, if someone broke into your house and popped out a baby on the floor, does that then make them a member of your family? Democrats have taken the 14th Amendment and corrupted America by making the...
View ArticleIslamists creating New Pakistans in Europe and America
Arab states are not taking refugees, so Moslems are flooding into Europe and America fleeing from ISIS. ISIS is slaughtering non-Moslems in Iraq and Syria, and most of these “refugees” are young...
View ArticlePatriots betrayed by Republicans and Democrats alike
Just as Democrats have allowed millions of illegals to invade America with the promise of free benefits, Islamists are invading the EU with the blessing of socialist leaders. Europeans are becoming...
View ArticleCNN Presidential debate dysfunction worse than FOX
CNN packed the stage and left voters with even less of substance than FOX did with the first debate. Candidates wasted most of the night with CNN’s constant push for dogfights. Are Americans learning...
View ArticlePatriots vs. America haters; the war on taxpayers, police, and patriots
Before 2008, Democrats declared “We want our country back!” They elected Barack Hussein Obama and the country Democrats wanted back is the one that he delivered. Obama promised the Sun, the Moon, and...
View ArticleA hateful army of one – How a few extremist Leftwing radicals can be a million
The Internet is being used to terrorize companies by making the most extreme leftists appear to be the majority of the country. Radical socialists are using computers to hyper generate masses of...
View ArticleVote Democrat if you support criminals over citizens, seniors, and veterans
Democrats back illegal aliens and glorify criminals of the Black Lives Matter movement over American citizens. They curse the police and veterans as racists and give taxpayer benefits to illegal...
View ArticleIs there any media capable of a real Republican debate?
Republicans debate again tonight on CNBC. Is it going to be another contest of petty squabbles and gotcha questions? Trump and Carson lead the field with very opposite character styles. The first...
View ArticleBy his actions Obama is either a blathering fool or betraying America
“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” – Barack Hussein Obama, Audacity of Hope. Obama mocks Americans who are fearful of importing jihadis with...
View ArticleExtreme leftist Democrats propagate stupidity and lies
Extremist Democrat propagandists reach the pinnacle of galactic stupidity in defense of Islam against Christian Americans You want to know what ‘extremism’ is? How about Democrats who are all in on...
View ArticleSan Bernardino and Paris proves Moslems won’t police their own
People saw these radicals getting ready to go on Jihad and wouldn’t report them to the authorities for fear of repercussions by liberals calling them racists. Liberals cannot be counted on to consider...
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